Find out about our service-settlements with contact persons in your vicinity if you have an urgent problem. Our expert staff will certainly be able to help you immediately.
Our service points are strategically distributed throughout Germany, so that we can be at your side quickly if there is ever a “fire”. In addition, our experts have the right know-how and equipment to help immediately.
Below you can see the contact persons who are responsible for you. In addition, you can also see the production facilities that are on site, with the possibilities to react very quickly.




Service-settlement Leuna

KLINGER Kempchen Leuna GmbH
Seal production on site

Am Haupttor – Geb. 5512
06237 Leuna
T   +49 3461 4332 93
F   +49 3461 4332 91

Primary production facilities:

  • Turning lathe (up to Ø 500 mm)
  • Shear
  • Cleaning plant for grooved gaskets up to Ø 1000 mm
  • Punching machine
  • Plotters

KLINGER Kempchen Leuna GmbH

  • Established: 1995
  • Employees:  5
  • Storage area and production area: 650 qm
  • QM-System: DIN EN ISO 9001

Service-settlement Ludwigshafen

KLINGER Kempchen GmbH
Seal production and assignment on site

on site of BASF, Gebäude J544
67056 Ludwigshafen

M  +49 172 52 69 974
T   +49 621 58 79 0773
F   +49 621 53 83 5880

Primary production facilities

  • Ringschneidemaschine
  • Reinigungsanlage für Kammprofildichtungen

KLINGER Kempchen GmbH /

  • Established: 2011
  • Employees: 1
  • Storage area and production area: 200 qm
  • QM-System: DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 14001, BS OHSAS 18001

Service-settlement Wesseling

KLINGER Kempchen GmbH
Seal production on site

Hauptmagazin Raum 19
Ludwigshafener Straße 1

50389 Wesseling
M +49 172 91 20 918
F  +49 2236 9299582

Primary production facilities

  • Plotters
  • Punching machine
  • Lathe

KLINGER Kempchen GmbH /

  • Established: 2011
  • Employees: 1
  • Storage area and production area: 280 qm
  • QM-System: DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 14001, BS OHSAS 18001