Besides the usual blind gaskets available on the market, we also manufacture special shapes, which have certain sealing advantages compared to the gaskets currently available on the market.
If no thickness is specified, we set the thickness in accordance with the AD Technical Specification Sheet B5-2000. Using high-strength materials, we can manufacture thin, and thereby light, gaskets. They must be as thin as possible, as they are frequently fitted between splayed flanges.
All gaskets are provided with a stable marker plate. The marker plate contains details about the manufacturer, nominal width and nominal pressure level, as well as a hold for a hanging storage. It can also be painted with a colour for security, to avoid accidents and unintentional isolation.
With our on-site or localised service we can also offer a gasket service. We can supply blind gaskets on request, as well as flat gaskets (for A1S) or sealing layers (for B7S/B9S). We can also arrange to hire these out for a fee. Contact us for further details.
Enclosed you will find downloads such as product documentation, product data sheet, safety information and gasket characteristics.